[자연과학대학 홈페이지 주소 변경] science.snu.ac.kr

공지사항 (학생)

제목 2016 Special Session for International Students Seeking Employment in Korea
작성자 류기암 등록일 2016.03.24 조회수 31206

2016 Special Session for International Students Seeking Employment in Korea

1. Date: April 6th(Wed) 14:00-18:00

2. Location: Room 208, SNU Lotte International Education Hall(152-1)


3. Applicant: SNU International Students Seeking Employment in Korea

(Korean Language proficiency would be an asset for application)


4. Program Contents:

- Overview of the Korean job market&application process

- Special session on the recruitment and application process of Korean Companies


5. Program Schedule:




14:00 - 15:30

Understanding Korean job market condition&recruiting for international students

(KOTRA Contact Korea:

Recruiting Global Talents)

15:30 - 17:00

The recruitment and application process in Korean Company

HR Department, Lotte Group

17:00 – 18:00

Networking with SNU Alumni

To be announced

* Lectured in Korean or English



6. Apply at http://career.snu.ac.kr/ -> find the NOTICE: 2016 Special Session for International Students Seeking Employment in Korea


7. Q&A:880-1354, gtp@snu.ac.kr (SNU Career Development Center)

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