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제목 [신임교수 인터뷰] 생명과학부 마틴 스타이네거 교수님(생물정보학 연구)을 소개합니다!!
작성자 관리자 등록일 2020.05.11 조회수 12306



자연과학대학 학생홍보기자단 장유진 기자 입니다.


  1. 자연과학대학의 신임 교수님으로 오시게 된 것을 진심으로 축하드립니다!



  1. 1. 자연대의 새로운 교수님으로 오시게 된 것을 진심으로 축하드립니다! 새로 부임하신 만큼, 아직 교수님에 대해 잘 모르는 학생들이 많으리라 생각됩니다. 그런 학생들을 위해 본인을 간단히 소개해 주시길 바랍니다.


    Thank you so much. I am Martin Steinegger from Germany and just started a computational biology lab at the Seoul National University. Actually, before considering to go to University I started my career as an IT consultant at Accenture. After a few years of industry experience, I decided to study bioinformatics at the TUM/LMU Munich because I was excited to combine informatics and biology. During this time, I worked as a research assistant with Professor Burkhard Rost at the Technical University Munich, focusing on the development of methods for predicting protein mutation effects. After finishing my bachelors. I switched to computer science at LMU for my masters. During my masters and PhD. I developed methods to search, cluster and assemble very large sequence data sets under the guidance of Dr. Johannes Söding at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry. As a Postdoc in the group of Professor Steven L. Salzberg at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, I developed methods for the identification of pathogenic agents in infectious diseases, the detection of assembly contamination in public datasets and the annotation of missing exons in the human proteome.




  1. 2. 3월부터 서울대학교의 신임 교수님이 되신 소감이 궁금합니다.


    This is not my first time at Seoul National University. I was already here from 2016 – 2018 for a collaboration. At that time, I already learned to greatly appreciate the academic environment. I am excited to be back and that I have the chance to do my research and teach at such a great university.



  5. 3. 이제 서울대학교에서 새로운 연구실을 꾸려 나가시게 되실텐데, 교수님의 연구 분야와 앞으로 이곳에서 펼쳐나가실 연구 계획의 소개를 간단히 부탁드립니다.


    My lab develops novel computational methods that combine big data algorithms and machine learning to gain insights into unexplored microbial communities. The main goal of my group will be to develop methods to (1) assemble and discover novel environmental viruses, archaea, bacteria, protists and fungi, (2) search petabytes of publicly available sequencing data, and (3) detect human pathogens from metagenomic sequencing experiments. I hope the last topic will help in the future to tackle  novel pathogen outbreaks very early on.



  8. 4. 지금은 서울대학교 자연과학대학 교수님으로서 이렇게 인터뷰에 응해주시지만, 한때는 교수님께서도 학부생, 대학원생이셨을 것입니다. 당시의 교수님은 어떤 학생이셨나요? 교수님의 대학 생활이 궁금합니다.


    College life in Germany can grant you much freedom. Early on I used this freedom to pursue my own projects by motivating fellow students to join me. We organized funding, planned and executed the projects independently, which was great fun. This is the great thing about computational biology, you just need an idea and a computer to gain new biological insights.  



  12. 5. 현재 서울대학교 자연과학대학에는 제각기 꿈을 품고 온 많은 학생들이 재학 중입니다. 하지만 대학 생활을 하며 보다 구체적인 미래 등 다시 진로에 대해 많은 고민을 하게 됩니다. 교수님께서도 이처럼 진로에 대한 고민이 있으셨는지, 있으셨다면 어떠한 진로를 꿈꾸셨고 어떻게 지금과 같은 교수의 길을 걷게 되셨나요?


    It is great if you already know what you want to achieve, but I assume most of you don’t know that yet. My career path was not straight at all, the only common theme was my fascination with computers. So, I explored different possibilities. I worked in IT support, as a Freelancer and as an IT consultant. The academic path was not even on my radar yet. However, after some industry experience I got curious about the academic world. That is when I decided to quit my consulting job to peruse an academic path. Overall, I think there is not just one path but a large number of very different paths that lead to happiness. It is important to be open to change.



    6. 그동안 캠퍼스에서 대면을 하거나 온라인에서의 화상 수업 등에서 여러 학생들을 마주하셨으리라 생각됩니다. 교수님께서 보신 서울대학교 학생들의 모습은 어떠하였는지 궁금합니다. 만약 아직 학생들을 마주할 기회가 없으셨다면, 서울대학교 자연대 학생들에 대한 기대나 요청사항 등이 있을까요?


    I did not encounter many students because of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and your great social distancing efforts. Not only the student body, but the whole korean society is showing great solidarity in the face of this crisis and is being a role model for the whole world. Thank you so much for this. 


    Regarding your question about what I expect from students: I enjoy working with people who like to figure out solutions to challenging problems. 



  18. 7. 지금까지 인터뷰에 응해주셔서 감사합니다. 마지막으로 서울대학교 자연과학대학 학생들에게 한 말씀 부탁드립니다.


    I am really looking forward to meeting all of you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions. If I was able to awaken your interest in my research, I am hiring at all levels (internships, research assistant during your bachelor or master studies, PhD students and Postdocs). Please check out steineggerlab.com for contact details.




  1. [마틴 스타이네거 교수]


  3. * 소속 : 생명과학부


  5. * 전공 : 생물정보학


  7. * E-mail : martin.steinegger@snu.ac.kr


  9. * Tell : 02-880-4438


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