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제목 PostDoc position in Computational Neuroscience/Neuroinformatics available
작성자 연구원 등록일 2009.12.03 조회수 27309

PostDoc position in Computational Neuroscience/Neuroinformatics available

One PostDoctoral position is available for my lab at Seoul National University in the newly formed Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences (BCS, http://bcs.snu.ac.kr/  ). We are seeking talented and enthusiastic postdoctoral research assistants and research fellows with a PhD awarded in physics, mathematics, engineering, or computer science; prior postdoctoral experience in the neurosciences is desirable but not necessary. Our lab links network features of neural systems (e.g. Cereb Cortex, 2009; PLoS Comput Biol, 2006) with dynamics and behaviour (PNAS, 2009; New J Phys, 2007; Frontiers Neurosci, 2008). The fellowship positions will involve either: network and time series analysis of experimental data (MEA and fMRI) or large-scale simulations of brain activity based on anatomical connectivity (see http://www.biological-networks.org/  ). The long-term goal is to establish large-scale models of brain activity in humans which will help to understand healthy and pathological cognitive processing.
  The BCS Department is generously funded by the World Class University (WCU) project of the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. BCS faculty and laboratories are housed in newly constructed space on the main SNU campus. State-of-the-art equipment includes: a dedicated 3T human MRI (128-channel head coil, sMRI, fMRI, DTI, MRS etc), 128 channel high-density EEG system (including Curry system), two-photon microscopy, visually-guided patch-clamp rigs, in vivo electrophysiological apparatus and high-performance computing plus molecular biological and biochemical facilities. English is the official language of the BCS. 

  Applications, including CV, list of publications, contact details of three referees, and statement of future interests should be sent via email to Jiheun Haylie Kim (bcs@snu.ac.kr ). Informal enquiries can be sent to Dr Marcus Kaiser (m.kaiser@ncl.ac.uk ). 

  Funding is available for 2 years in the first instance with a starting from March 2010 or thereafter.
Decisions concerning these positions will be made as applications are received. 


Marcus Kaiser, Ph.D. 
School of Computing Science 
Newcastle University 
Claremont Tower 
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU , 

Phone: +44 191 222 8161
Fax:   +44 191 222 8232 

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