[자연과학대학 홈페이지 주소 변경] science.snu.ac.kr

공지사항 (전체보기)

제목 [학회]2010년 4월 12일 `2010 서울 크로마틴 심포지움`개최 안내
작성자 관리자 등록일 2010.04.05 조회수 23684

아래와같이 2010년 4월 12일 오후 1시 30분부터 5시 30분까지
`2010 서울 크로마틴 심포지움`을 500동 목암홀에서 개최하오니
많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


1:30-5:30 pm, April 12th, 2010
Mokam-Hall, Seoul National University

Organized by
Creative Research Initiatives Center for Chromatin Dynamics
Department of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University



Session I : Chromatin Dynamics in Cancer
1:35-2:00 Modification of Chromatin Remodeling Factors in Hypoxia Signaling
              Sung Hee Baek (Seoul National University, Korea)

2:00-2:25 Biological Function and Regulation of
              a Dual Specificity Histone Demethylase KDM7A
              Degui Chen (Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, China)

2:25-2:50 Significance of tRNA Synthetase Network in the Control of Cancer
              Sunghoon Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)

2:50-3:30 Epigenetic Lesions in Leukemia
              Andrew L. Kung (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA)

3:30-4:00 COFFEE BREAK

Session II : Cancer and Signaling

4:00-4:25 The Hippo Signaling Pathway and Tumorigenesis
               Dae-Sik Lim (KAIST, Korea)

4:25-4:50 Regulation of FOXO by TAK1-NLK Pathway
              Jongkyeong Chung (Seoul National University, Korea)

4:50-5:30 Rb Regulates Fate Choice during Normal Development and Tumor Formation
              Jacqueline A. Lees (MIT, USA)


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