[자연과학대학 홈페이지 주소 변경] science.snu.ac.kr

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제목 A Call for SNU Global Scholarship Applications for spring 2019
작성자 승재은 등록일 2018.12.13 조회수 34834
파일첨부 disk A call for SNU Global Scholarship(Spring 2019).pdf
disk SNU GS Application form_Spring 2019.docx

○Scholarship Summary

- There are three types of scholarships in SNU Global Scholarship(refer to the attachment)

※Applicants can choose more than one program among three options in their SNU Global Scholarship application form.


○Eligibility: International graduate students of SNU(both enrolled students and freshmen)

○Application Period: December 11(Tues), 2018 ~ January 4(Fri), 2019


○Submission: Please submit an application and other official required documents by post to the scholarship coordinator


Ms. Jaeeun Seung
Bldg.#501- Rm.#202, Office of Student Affairs, 
College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, SEOUL 08826, Republic of Korea
College of Natural Sciences(자연과학대학) : lily4559@snu.ac.kr



○Result Announcement: January 24(Thu), 2019

※The result would be given to all applicants by email

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