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제목 SNU Global Scholarship for Spring semester 2020
작성자 최영환 등록일 2019.11.12 조회수 42053
파일첨부 disk A call for SNU Global Scholarship(Spring 2020)_CNS.pdf
disk SNU GS Application form_Spring 2020_CNS.docx

Seoul National University(hereinafter SNU) is proud to announce the beginning of its acceptance for SNU Global Scholarship applications for Spring semester of 2020. SNU Global Scholarship is designed to enable highly competitive students to concentrate on their research and to promote global research environment at SNU.


□ Eligibility: International graduate students of SNU(both enrolled students and freshmen)


For further information, please refer to attachments.

번호 제목 작성자 조회 등록일
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