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제목 2014 Announcement of Faculty Openings School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
작성자 관리자 등록일 2014.09.26 조회수 57266
파일첨부 disk application_form(1).docx
disk Full Lists of Research Achievements_form(1).xls

College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University



Announcement of Faculty Openings, 2014





1. Field(s) of Specialization and Number of openings



(Full-time Tenure-Track Faculty)






Field of Specialization









School of Earth and Environmental Sciences



Marine Geoscience(Geochemistry preferred)






This position is not for the person who holds a bachelor degree at SNU/SEES.





2. Qualifications



a. Applicant should have a PhD degree and meet all requirements of the Seoul National University Hiring Policy (as a full-time faculty in the tenure track).



 b. Applicant should have more than one published in last 5 years.





3. Faculty Appointment (Contract) Period



The Appointment(Contract) period follows Seoul National University Hiring Policy.



(Find details in the announcement at https://professor.snu.ac.kr)





4. Review Processes



   a. All applicants will be selected and reviewed according to



: whether the applicant's abilities and specialization lie in the opening area, assessment of recent research achievements (within the past five years), total research achievements to the present, presentation or lecture, personal essay and statement of research and teaching objectives,  assessment of suitability of appointment



   b. All applications will be reviewed in two stages. The following criteria and materials will be reviewed at these stages:



Stage 1) Field of specialization review



a) Whether the applicant's abilities and specialization lie in the opening area



b) Assessment of recent research achievements (within the past five years)



c) Total research achievements to the present



Stage 2) Interview



a) Presentation or lecture



b) Personal essay and statement of research and teaching objectives



c) Assessment of suitability of appointment





5. Application Documents



   a. Application form downloaded from our website (https://oldcns.snu.ac.kr/)



       All listed periods (Educational and Employment background) must be the same as the submitted official documentation)



b. Recent research achievements for detailed review: 1 copy each



      Research achievements for detailed review



       : Theses (1 above and 5 below, possible to include applicant’s graduate thesis) or books in the past 5 years (since the first of November, 2009)



If summited research achievement has been accepted for publication but not been published until application due date, the applicant must summit “Thesis Certificate of Publication Acceptance” issued and signed by editor in chief. Both whether research achievement is recognized and date recognition are below:



         . The expected publication date should be clearly stated on the thesis that is attached “Thesis Certificate of publication acceptance” for detailed review.



         . Submitted research achievements must have been published until December 10, 2014. The published research achievements should be identical to the material submitted for application (adding/removal/changes are unacceptable).



         . The thesis attached certificate of publication acceptance should be summited as soon as it is published but no later than December 10, 2014.



Books: A text book for the corresponding major or a research monograph that has contributed to progress in the corresponding research field and has been on an international level will be admitted. (Translations, redactions or only summiting book chapter are not counted).



c. Full list of research achievements: 1 copy (please write ISSN in Remarks column)



- All research achievements should be listed from the applicant's graduate school to the present with (where applicable) the title, authors, publication date and title of the journal (including volume, issue, pages) but not including items already listed on Research achievements for Detailed Review.



      - See the form on our website (https://oldcns.snu.ac.kr/)



d. Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts and Diplomas: 1 copy



e. Official documentation confirming each position you occupied: 1 copy



      The follows should be clearly specified on the documentation



: position, duty, type of duty (full-time, part-time, etc.), paystub (including annual income etc.), duration of employment (DD/MM/YY-DD/MM/YY))



f. Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae (including major research and teaching achievements, fellowships and awards)



 g. Statement of Teaching and Research Interests: 1 copy



Statement of teaching should include a list of courses that the applicant would be able to teach together with suggestions of new courses that could be added to the curriculum. Research interests should include mid-term and long-term research plans and objectives.



 h. Letters of Recommendation: 1 copy



     It should be from at least two scholars or professionals in the same field of specialization and be sent from the recommenders directly by post or e-mail



* In case of e-mail, the type of recommendation documents should be image file such as PDF, JPG etc. (the documents saved as HWP, DOC which are able to be modified will not recognized)





6. Application Deadline and Mailing Address



a. Deadline: October 22 (TUE), 2014



b. Address:



Office of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Bldg. 25-1, Room 311)



College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University



1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-747, Republic of Korea



c. All application Documents should be sent by e-mail(freedom86@snu.ac.kr) first. Also, original application documents should be sent by post to the above address. The applications that arrive before the deadline will be accepted.



d. If sent by post, please clearly mark on the cover, the specific department and the field of specialization of interest.



e. No applications will be accepted after the deadline.





7. Scheduled Appointment Date



March 2015





8. Notification



Applicants will receive individual notification of the results once all eligible applications have been reviewed.





9. Miscellaneous



a. Applicants may not apply for more than one position. Multiple applications by the same applicant will invalidate all of his or her applications.



b. Depending on evaluation results, faculty openings may not be filled and the starting date of appointments may be changed.



c. Appointment can be nullified even after employment has commenced if applicants have wilfully falsified application documents and/or have not fulfilled the appointment requirements.



d. Other particulars not stated in this announcement will follow established Seoul National University protocols.



e. All application documents must be originals. If the summited document is copied one, the applicant should make the college check a copy with the original immediately after being announced as a candidate for appointment. (Notarial certificate will be attached for documents (undergraduate and graduate transcripts and diplomas, official document confirming careers) written by other language except English.)



f. Submitted documents will not be returned.



g. For further information contact:



Office of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Bldg. 25-1, Room 311)



College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University



             e-mail: freedom86@snu.ac.kr or smlee@snu.ac.kr



Tel: +822-880-6497





2014. 9. 24.





College of Natural Sciences



Seoul National University



번호 제목 작성자 조회 등록일
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