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공지사항 (기타)

제목 [안내] Helping Students Learn : A workshop for science and mathematics faculty
작성자 관리자 등록일 2005.04.18 조회수 12763

Helping Students Learn


A workshop for science and mathematics faculty



연사 : Lillian C. McDermott ( Department of Physics, University of Washington )



개최일시 : 4월 20일(수) 14:00 ~

개최장소 : 25-1동 국제회의실





The workshop will incorporate an instructional approach that has been shown to be effective in promoting conceptual understanding among students in introductory physics courses.  Participants will work through an example from a set of research-based tutorials that are intended to supplement (not replace) the lectures, laboratory, and textbook of a traditional course.  This experience will illustrate a type of guided inquiry that has proved successful in supplementing traditional instruction for students majoring in physics, other sciences, mathematics, and engineering.  Issues that will be discussed include the role of discipline-based education research in guiding the design and assessment of the instructional materials, practical matters related to implementation, and the need for well-prepared teaching assistants.  The context is physics but no special background in the subject is needed and analogies can readily be made to other disciplines. 


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