[자연과학대학 홈페이지 주소 변경] science.snu.ac.kr

공지사항 (홍보)

제목 뇌인지과학과 커넥톰 실험실 하계 학부 인턴 모집
작성자 장선미 등록일 2020.05.18 조회수 56136


뇌인지과학과 커넥톰 연구실 하계 학부 인턴 모집

Summer Internships for Data Science in Neuroscience


           The Connectome Lab in the Department of Psychology at Seoul National University (https://sites.google.com/connectomelab.net/snu) is now accepting applications for full-time summer internships for Data Science in Neuroscience. This research opportunity is for those who have strong interests in scalable data science and the application to human neuroscience.

Some example tasks are: representational transfer learning of human brain connectome, deep neural networks to predict phenome using genome, or health outcome prediction using both genomes and connectoms. The lab has recently moved from Columbia University to SNU, so students will have an opportunity to put the very first footprint on a research project!


We are most interested in students with:

  1. great personality: motivative, proactive, tenacious, flexible, mature, and independent

  2. Scholarship: the qualities of a scholar in reasoning, experiments, and communication

  3. Teamwork spirit: kind, generous, collaborative, and contributing

  4. Intent to conduct graduate thesis research in the Connectome Lab in 2021.


Plus, below are additional expectations:

-Candidates with backgrounds of Psychology, Education, or any other Arts and Sciences will be welcome--if they are equipped with some skill sets of data science including programming (Python or R) and statistics. If there are no prior experiences of the quantitative data analysis, we expect the highest level of non-quantitative science backgrounds (eg, biology, medicine, or other arts and sciences)

-Candidates with quantitative science backgrounds (computer science, statistics, physics, or other engineering) will be welcome--if they show a high degree of interest in human neuroscience.

If interested in, please contact us with your statement of interests (English) and CV via email: application@connectomelab.net

Tel) +82-2-880-8011



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