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제목 SNU President Fellowship for Fall semester 2019
작성자 승재은 등록일 2019.06.10 조회수 42439
파일첨부 disk SNU President Fellowship_Fall 2019.pdf
disk SPF Application form_Fall 2019.docx

Recognizing its global social responsibility, Seoul National University launched the SNU President Fellowship to provide opportunities to faculty members of major universities in developing countries of Asia, Africa, South America etc. to pursue Ph.D. degrees at SNU. Based on the recognition that the main driver for national development of Korea has been its human capital, Korea is now responsible to share its experiences with other developing nations.


An applicant must be BOTH:

a teaching faculty of major universities WITHOUT Ph.D. degree from developing countries in Asia, Africa, South America etc.

admitted and/or enrolled to SNU as Ph.D. student for Fall 2019


Please refer to the attached files for your reference. 

번호 제목 작성자 조회 등록일
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